Senin, 06 Mei 2013

Believe in yourself

Believe in yourself!
Believe you were made to do any task without calling for aid.
Believe, without growing too scornfully proud,
that you, as the greatest and least are endowed.
A mind to do thinking, two hands and two eyes
are all the equipment God gives to the wise.

Believe in yourself!
You are divinely designed and perfectly made
for the work of mankind.
The truth you must cling to through danger and pain;
the heights others have reached you can also attain.
Believe to the very last hour, for it is true.
That what ever you will, you've been gifted to do.

Believe in yourself and step out unafraid.
By misgivings and doubt be not easily swayed.
You've the right to succeed;
the precision of skill which betokens the great
you can earn if you will!
The wisdom of the ages is yours if you'll read.
But you've got to believe in yourself to succeed.

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