KOMPAS.com - The woman and her handbag as inseparable. Wherever she went, handbags are mandatory items. Not infrequently, used as a complement to the appearance of bags, which cost millions of dollars that was purchased. Later, even the news that Indonesia is a potential market for the famous handbag makers, namely Louis Vuitton, Coach, or Hermes.
Not wanting to stay away from the bag, a lot of women who were in the cafe was forced to ask for additional bench just to put her handbag. This makes the flow path at the restaurant or cafe so narrow. Maybe you had ever experienced anything like this. Should be left on the bench handbag additional unseen behind us? Wow, must be vigilant. Want to put it on the dining table? Not polite. If you put it behind our backs, uncomfortable. Placed on the floor? Besides dirty, there is also that taboos. Then, what?
One of Europe's cultural year since 1912's that is still suitable for the present is the bag hanger. It is popular at the time to prevent the hassles of keeping the bag while in public places, such as restaurants. Functions bag hanger, or also known as the bag hook is used to store the bags close to the owner, which is on the outskirts of the table. Simply place the dots on the table edge, let the hook hanging below it, and then attach the handle bag hook. In this way, the owner of the bag could easily keep an eye on her bag, and easy access to the bag if there is to be taken, plus cleaner because it did not have to put on the floor or in a chair
In Indonesian language
KOMPAS.com - Wanita dan tas tangannya seakan tak terpisahkan. Kemanapun wanita pergi, tas tangan adalah barang wajib. Tak jarang, tas dijadikan pelengkap penampilan, sehingga yang berharga jutaan rupiah pun dibeli. Belakangan malah ada berita bahwa Indonesia merupakan pasar potensial bagi para pembuat tas kenamaan, sebut saja Louis Vuitton, Coach, atau Hermes.
Karena tak ingin jauh-jauh dari tasnya, banyak wanita yang sedang di kafe terpaksa meminta bangku tambahan hanya untuk menaruh tas tangannya. Hal ini tentu membuat alur jalan di restoran atau kafe jadi sempit. Mungkin Anda pun pernah mengalami hal seperti ini. Harus menitipkan tas tangan di bangku tambahan yang tak terlihat di belakang kita? Wah, harus waspada. Mau taruh di atas meja makan? Tak sopan. Kalau taruh di belakang punggung kita, tak nyaman. Ditaruh di lantai? Selain kotor, ada pula yang bilang pamali. Lalu, bagaimana?
Salah satu budaya di Eropa tahun sejak 1912-an yang masih cocok untuk masa kini adalah bag hanger. Hal ini populer di masa itu untuk mencegah kerepotan menjaga tas ketika sedang berada di tempat-tempat umum, seperti restoran. Fungsi bag hanger, atau yang juga dikenal sebagai bag hook digunakan untuk menyimpan tas dekat si empunya, yakni di pinggiran meja. Cukup letakkan bulatan di atas meja bagian pinggir, biarkan pengaitnya menggelayut di bawahnya, lalu kaitkan pegangan tas di pengait. Dengan begini, si empunya tas bisa dengan mudah mengawasi tasnya, dan mudah mengakses tas jika ada yang perlu diambil, plus lebih bersih karena tak harus ditaruh di lantai atau dikursi
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