Kamis, 18 Juli 2013

~My Heart Has Got To Learn To Forget~

In a life of mystery is almost anything that happens we can not predict (unpredictable). In fact we often have events that do not fit with what we expect. This is normal because we only have performers of the scenarios that have been set by the almighty and all-willed. Not at all we have contributed to make changes and determine the ending of the scenario that we have played. One of the things that most often happens is that we have to forget someone who has been engraved with golden letters in our hearts. Why do we have to forget of course due to various reasons, depending on the man himself.  When your heart is broken it is the saddest thing in the world. All your energy leaves you and everything in your life seems to lose all meaning. You gave your heart and soul to this love, and now it is no more. How can your heart ever be whole again? There is a very deep thought attributed the someone, "there is nothing as whole as a broken heart". Although a broken heart is painful, it brings a person to turn to God. I realizes that is ultimately alone in the world except for God who is always there to comfort me.

Sometimes life has a complete story between happy and sad. But sadly often a portion of the story that characterizes our lives for too long. Even up to have harbored sadness so deep that many years due hurt by people in love. Hard to move on because not expect too much and forget themselves will destiny life should be lived. As if in disbelief bitter events happen to him. And even now I wish to acknowledge with deep gratitude for having made ​​this heart hurt. If I remember the date .... months ... years ..., at ... pm in the location ... by .... that had been destined for an incident hurt. Many versions of the story will develop. Especially if it involves a third party.

And that life should be lived in the episode which is most perfect scenario sheets that had been prepared by God for me. Maybe at that time I had an open heart and realized when sorrow comes, there are many angels in the sky looked so sorry that might even inspire a problem that comes is not proportional to the price of life is given by God who wants me realize that life should be balanced and walk on the right do not even think of personal stories just beautiful meaningless compared to the story of millions of people in need of care and a touch of our hands.

Then slowly the memories come back, second by second drama recorded by memories of the past are not easily forgotten, but it is possible to forgive and be forgiven. Why do I say so? Because if we are willing to forgive the past means we are learning to be a substitute for sincerity and pain it turns out we do not need to forget the bitter memories. Like a textbook, it must complete our lives between happy and sad. Everything should be balanced, even with the bitter events we will learn brave and patient. Towards MATURITY. Where possible when we are happy we can be strong for calm and patience to accept the fact that not the same as liking? We begin to learn to adulthood by starting to accept the fact that sooner or later a lot of thoughts that filled the mind and provide an explanation of the meaning of the problems that befall. At least this thought came not the fruit of other people's experiences but my own is to live it. 

I'm learning the love and the hurt, the wrong and the right. And I'm trying to be, the best ... I don't forget who I am when I'm faced with a hard decision. I've learned to ask what's in my heart and trust the way that I am feeling. HEARTBEAT my soul heart and more. No second guessing  I have got to be sure. I try to setting out upon my path and not knowing where it goes. Leaving everything behind leaving everyone I know. Hoping only for the best and then expecting nothing less. My heart has got to learn to forget, with every breath i'm getting stronger, and this is not the time for regret, because i don't need to hang on to heartbreak, when there's so much of life left to live. I know its true, i don't know when,.. I believe love will find me again. i am not afraid of the mystery of tomorrow.  Learn to forget someone who meant in our lives, it is sometimes difficult to do. Although it turns out that was not discussed and the same. Many say if it's easy to forget someone, but not everyone can do that. The proof of my own (want to confide in), up to now not been able to forget someone precious in me. Although over time can be lost, but have not been able to lose 100%.
But forgetting is a demand that we must live, when we slumped to an uncertain thing, would be bad for our lives. For example is love, if he's already gone and forgotten us, why we can not forget about it as well. With hope it does not hurt, but if he had never given the slightest hope, what we are going to force??? all that closely related to love and hate. because usually love and hate are always in touch. Even if we impose the will, the result would not be as good as what we want. Because love can not be forced. Coercion is tantamount to murder liver. Humans who have feelings, must have felt in love. Well, sometimes it is not all love stories will end with a happy ending, not infrequently have ended tragically. If this was true to a person, no doubt he had to forget all the beautiful story I have ever lived with the idol's heart.

Maybe,.. forgetting is not the right path, but it is more powerful than grateful forget, grateful because it has been given the opportunity to love someone even though he might hurt you ..., can learn to forgive grateful, thankful through events or people - people we learn to resist the control of emotions ... we were able to learn to share, so we do not need tired tired of trying to forget, make peace with your heart and yourself is important, so all will be forgotten by itself.

That even with the hurt we become stronger and stronger. Even a lot of great stories to be very dramatic and so touching hearts when the pain is replaced with a sense of happiness to forgive it. And finally we can solve the problem over time either slowly or quickly. People will easily make sense of his life when it was stricken. Depending on how one views the problem that happened to him. Instantly when we have to accept any bad events it will be many wonderful events that will be found later.

All events in this life, that it pained us to be strong and tough. Even a lot of great stories to be very dramatic and so touching hearts when the pain is replaced with a sense of happiness to forgive it. And finally we can solve the problem over time either slowly or quickly. People will easily make sense of his life when it was stricken. Depending on how one views the problem that happened to him. Instantly when we have to accept any bad events it will be many wonderful events that will be found later.
I always remember the message parents when we are in trouble, especially sadness, that our hearts become congested even narrower due to our inability to accept reality. It means not sincere. Well,... in nature only serenity and peace that we need at the moment. That's when God comes to embrace us and wanted to make us aware that any true events that happened to us is not above our appetite control but there is the Almighty who has lived and lives. Maybe, .. We are too arrogant and selfish desires of lust as if the world is controlled by our desires. Thus there is an important lesson that is being tested by him is sincerity. Instantly it just come and surrender fully to God and submit to Him our problems.  
So basically, do not be afraid to lose the love and forget about it. For the love of this world is not only belong to him alone. There are still a lot of love-love of others waiting for us. Depend how we are to get it. spirit continues for you to deal with life. :)

1 komentar:

  1. Call me weak, because i cant continue to read more, or ill shed more tears
    You know im all ears when you need to talk. We are friends now



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